Alex Seton is best known for his beguiling marble carving,

Alex Seton is honored to be included in the 2016 Kochi-Muziris Biennale in Fort Kochi, India. Curator Sudarshan Shetty says of the Biennale’s theme Forming in the pupil of an eye:
Forming in the pupil of an eye is not an image of one reality but a reflection of multiple realities and of multiple possibilities in time. It does not question notions of reality, but instead layers many. As its own process, Forming in the pupil of an eye comes from that junction of the physiological with the conceptual. It is an acknowledgement that there is something essential in the way we look at the world, that it is multiple in nature. Forming in the pupil of an eye brings that multiplicity of experience together within the space of Kochi-Muziris Biennale and perhaps to spill over into the world at large.