rainy-day acrylic painting | Mike Barr.
My first artistic milestone was takiing part a group exhibition when I was only 18 years of age. It was not as a painter however, but a potter. After a large break were I dabbled every few years or so in oils and watercolours, I started in earnest about 9 years ago in acrylics. Since that time I have aquired over 50 awards and have works in collections around the world. I have written feature articles both in Australia and the UK. Beaches and moody rainy-day streets are my favourite subjects, probably because I enjoy the effects of shadow, light and reflection. Joy of Place is what I wish to share. .
My new website and blog can now be found at www.mikebarrfineart.com
instagram.com/artpeople_gallery, #artpeople, www.artpeople.net
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