Romina Ressia born in 1981 in Argentina.
Romina Ressia passion about Art started at young age but it was not until her late 28, after graduating in Economics, that she decided to dedicate her life to it.
She studied Photography, Fashion Photography, Art Direction & Scenery in different places including The Teatro Colon.
A classical influence can be identified in most of her projects but it is taken precisely to represent modern issues, how do they affect to society nowadays and how other atemporal issues are managed today. It is the way she uses to represent how people is touched by the changing world in which we live and to draw a line from which to analyze the evolution of society.
The artist is characterized by the use of anachronisms and juxtapositions that allow to draw a timeline from which to explore human evolution and their behavior as individuals and as a collective.
“Sus imágenes se parecen más a un cuadro del Renacimiento que a una foto moderna y ahí radica su belleza. Romina usa con ironía la confrontación pasado/presente”